Being dandere just means I'm being realistic, right? Right?

I'm just positing here, but maaaaaybe she doesn't want to open the can of worms with spells targeting external hair.

[-] 17 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Did they sabotage him?

I don't know, mate. You can say that all the rules and such were followed, but just like any rigged system, playing by the rules doesn't mean that things are appropriate. The idea of superdelegates is fucked up. The way we let certain states 'spoil' the results and create inertia by voting at different times is fucked up. First past the post voting is fucked up.

The snake is way too low on the fun factor. Just try letting it out when everybody's at the house drinking, and watch the hi-jinx!

Didn't they add the option to make games private because people made this complaint? The issue now is on family accounts and not seeing it, because there you still can. I don't need to know what my family is into, thank you very much.

The Texas state government’s path forward here is to do what they can to pedestrianize and densify their cities, but that’s a long term project.

I know you probably didn't mean it as them actually doing it, but good lord, that statement made me laugh. The governments in texas are so focused on bullshit that increases the problem. A friend just sent me an article his city put out with the headline "YY city is XX% developed, with plans to finish it out by year 20ZZ!" Their "finish it out" means removing 95% of the remaining greenspace and paving it with concrete businesses that have just enough plants to be aesthetically pleasing when the landscaper crew cuts it.

Shit, texas is literally trying to make "one more lane!" a constant thing. When I had to drive through any of their big cities, it's just a massive construction sprawl, because as soon as they finish one section's extra lane, they start on the next section.

Great idea, except that the only thing they'll do is dissolve in the contact solution...

Nobody is putting in contacts dry. Even the psychos back away when you try.



The aorta is the highway from the heart, Mrs. Frizzle!

Lol, sad to hear. Usually staff members get to the school waaaay before any student does, so they probably scarfed it all.

You forgot Houston, the blue spot that their politicians are trying to remove the vote from. Literally. It's horrendous.

zero connotations/implications

I know that octopus ink makes a decent base for pasta sauce, and gets your teeth quite colorful. I think you're implying you want to be squeezed with some butter and get all over someone's tongue and molars... You're so dirty.

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