[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 75 points 1 month ago

How about banning them entirely.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 77 points 1 month ago

Last I read, Microsoft had $80 billion in cash on hand. I'm pretty sure they have the resources to run whatever the fuck they want.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 66 points 2 months ago

Jesus. Why can't they make whistle blowers anonymous?

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 73 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Messages went from $.05, to $.10, to $.20 to send and receive. That was in the span of three years. All of the companies said it wasn't collision. They just happened to arrive upon massive increases separately.

If I recall, one of the CEOs said "We're raising the prices to save customers money. This way they'll be an unlimited plan"

The telcos should have been broken up then. Instead we've seen even more mergers.

  • Edit: forgot to include the years. This was in the U.S. circa 2005-2008. Telcos have moved onto other sleezy practices now.*
[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 79 points 3 months ago

Feels like that blatant violation should be prison time for anyone involved.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 73 points 3 months ago

We do stings in restaurants (for servering underagers) all the time. The fines are significant for the server and the restaurant. I wish they would do stings on mechanics, dentists, and most importantly health care. Wrongfully denied claims should be devastating to the company.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 77 points 3 months ago

My family has mocked me my whole life for being lazy because of my sleep schedule. "The day is wasting," "I've already done xyz before you've had your breakfast," "Gee AlternatePersonMan, it's 11am nice of you to join us." They snicker and shake their heads.

I have kids now and only finally got diagnosed when my daughter struggled with sleep the same way I do. Huge eye opener. I had no idea this was ADHD related until a few months ago. It's crazy how many issues there are that aren't 'focus' specific.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 83 points 5 months ago

By law, anything should be a one click to cancel service, instead of the maze they send you through.

Xbox live, gyms, etc.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 67 points 6 months ago

I had a friend/coworker that was a top five most valuable employee in a software company of 500 and didn't seem to realize it. They called him in for every critical project, to bail out failing projects, and to help with hiring. He was client facing, technical, and co-workers followed his every word.

As middle management, I knew he made a lot less than me and others in his position. I told him it was ridiculous. He finally asked for a raise and they offered something paltry, saying it was the best they could do. My friend finally quit. Suddenly the company can easily match a 60% pay raise. Too late.

I know first hand there loss cost the company millions. I followed suit not much later and frabbed a nice 30% raise. All of my clients have since abandoned the company. They're down to less than 200 employees last I heard and fuck all for revenue.

Get paid what you're worth.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 63 points 7 months ago

This doesn't sound flawed at all. It sounds exactly as intended.

For the life of me I cannot understand why we tolerate this criminal behavior.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 63 points 10 months ago

I would argue he's our worst president ever. Andrew Jackson, etc. etc. Absolutely shitty, but those guys were flying blind without history to learn from, and their atrocities were sadly socially acceptable at the time. Reagan destroyed everything right this country had done, and enabled the future monsters to come. He brought religion to the front of American politics, destroyed the regulations that protected us, brought unfathomable debt, the war on drugs, the list goes on.

The Orange Shit Stain is probably a worse person, but he arrived on Reagan's back.

[-] AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world 65 points 11 months ago

I can't fathom having the power to save our at least change millions of lives...but instead choose to leech more wealth from the people that need it most. And systematically make the world worse. It's a sickness.

There are no good billionaires.

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