[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Yeah, but if you don't have any assets in the EU for them to seize, and if you're not present in the bloc yourself it doesn't matter for shit. They have no jurisdiction or ability to enforce unless you really, really want to operate inside of their market at scale.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

NC is a "Free City" in terms of it's status within the structure of NUSA. Essentially, a territory they claim is theirs, but which they don't actually have the means to exercise control over. So it just functions more or less autonomously.

But it essentially functions as a Japanese Treaty Port in terms of military influence and is the point where East Asian and NUSA criminal and corporate organizations use to bring goods cheaply into and out of the NUSA market with both international and domestic corporations using Night City as a corporate tax haven and tariff-free port of entry. Smuggling is king as everyone seeks to skim their share off the goods as they move inland, each government agency or smuggler serving as competing "taxes" for entry into markets.

NUSA has largely reunited in 2070, but NC is still one of the last holdouts, backed as it is with all the might of Arasaka and the threat of igniting a new Corporate War if NUSA were to try to annex it and actually attempt to assert influence over the city.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

As someone who tried to use Tidal for nearly a year because it paid better rates, it's literally just 2 things: Artist Discovery and Algorithm Degradation towards a mass consumer mean.

Spotify actually feeds me tons of great indie artists I've never heard before. Tidal was a constant struggle to purge mass produced giant record label pop from constantly infiltrating every single station and it almost never gave me some little artist who maybe has 5k listens total. I get those literally every single day from Spotify though.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

Void is gonna do real well this year, I'd imagine.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's the great divider. The smartest bears get to eat the garbage and the dumber bears get to eat the dumb people who can't figure out how to throw their garbage away and keep it in their tent instead.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

It was a CSX train, which is literally their direct competitor in their duopoly so that both of them can cry about how they're not a monopoly because they have a competitor. It's just entirely coincidental that they both behave in exactly the same manner in terms of complete reckless disregard for safety and employee health.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Yeah, because the shitheads lied about the job.

"Oh, yeah, you have to go to remote sites, but the average is only about a 20 minute commute."

And then once they gave me the job, they assigned me nothing but clients that were all 60+ minutes out of town. I interviewed with other companies on the clock and then quit with no notice.

Fucking assholes.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

Awwww shit son, a Lemon-Egg! Fucking wild! Top tier shit, A+ lad. Well done.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

It's because people are too focused on who controls the capital and not focused enough on what the capital itself is actually doing.

It doesn't much matter whether it's controlled by a Capitalist or a Communist if the person controlling the capital is a fucking idiot. Hell, it honestly doesn't even matter that much if they're smart, because the actual driver of growth has always been competition, which is only very indirectly connected to who controls the Capital, largely because it's pretty much always been taken at the point of a gun for all of human history and likely will be for as long as we exist unless we somehow manage to decide on post-scarcity society rather than infinite growth society.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago

The forum Something Awful has had public ban notices for age, with a page listing banned or suspended users, the post they were banned for and usually a snarky joke from one of the mods. It actually ends up creating a fun atmosphere where people can get essentially "Go touch grass" moments that everyone can giggle about when it's not that bad and it's always hilarious watching some cesspit of a human being get absolutely fucking dumpstered in very public fashion.

That said, I don't think it would work nearly as well without their registration fee creating a barrier to entry.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago


When you stop treating negative externalities as though they don't exist, you can start to properly account for their cost in economic models. A lot of industries exist that wouldn't if they were to have to actually pay to remediate the problems they cause rather than getting to offload the problem onto the greater community.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

It's the digital equivalent of never changing your oil or filters and then wondering why your engine is acting up.


Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the SNP.

Police confirmed a 52-year-old woman was taken into custody as a suspect and is being questioned by detectives.

It follows the arrest and subsequent release of her husband, ex-SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, in April.

A spokeswoman for Ms Sturgeon confirmed she had attended a police interview by arrangement on Sunday.

The former SNP leader, who stood down in March, was then arrested and questioned by officers who have been investigating for the past two years what happened to more than £600,000 of donations given to the party by independence activists.

The spokeswoman said: "Nicola Sturgeon has today, Sunday 11 June, by arrangement with Police Scotland, attended an interview where she was to be arrested and questioned in relation to Operation Branchform.

"Nicola has consistently said she would cooperate with the investigation if asked and continues to do so."

SNP MP Angus MacNeil has joined opposition parties in calling for Ms Sturgeon to be suspended from the party - arguing that "this soap-opera has gone far enough".

Article continues in the link.

Mind Magic or Illusion? (cdn.discordapp.com)

Monsterlets: "words of power do exist... i can walk out of my apartment wearing the most fuck shit, e.g. swim trunks as shorts w a zipped up hoodie and no shirt underneath, and just say the words laundry day and suddenly it's way less weird

Monsterlets: " laundry day spell: decrease target's judgement of outfit by 80%

homemademonsterpants: "I picke dup a banana print shirt in Vietnam - were talking loud - and the first time someone commented on it I said "It's banana shirt friday" which stunlocked them and blocked any followup questions.

Turns out that saying "it's banana shirt friday" enough actually created a holiday at my officer where everyone would wear fruit print clothes on fridays! So yes, words power exist. :)

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