[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 44 points 9 months ago

This reminds me of my ex, who stated "I HATE Wikipedia" because "it looks dumb" when I mentioned it in passing.

She really earned that "ex" title...

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 65 points 9 months ago

Noticing a lot of people on Lemmy scoffing at this development, which I suppose is their right. But you know what? I see this as a real win; Trump Org no longer being able to operate in NY is a big fucking deal.

Yes, he’ll likely make up the difference through donations from his rabid base. No, they won’t know about it because the right wing disinfo machine won’t tell them.

So what? It’s a fucking win, nonetheless. It ain’t shooting him and his ill gotten gains into the sun, but it is very well the first of a series of deathblows.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, and all that.


In the screenshot I’ve included, you can see that the number of comments for the post is 20+. However, I only see 2 comments when I look at the post.

Is this just a byproduct of federation? I don’t think I’ve blocked any instances yet, but is it possible the comments are from instances blocked my lemmy.world? Also, I use Memmy on iOS; could that be the cause?

Appreciate any insight!

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 56 points 10 months ago

Jesus fuck, I’m so glad someone else is panicking about their plans. Not too long ago, I finally realized the whole idea of these shitty laws being enacted in red states is a strategy to chase lefties out so that they control enough states to start a constitutional convention.

We fucking should be panicking, this is insane!!!

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 42 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

This is great news, but forgive me if DeJoy still gets the stink eye from me due to the shenanigans with the mail sorting machines during the 2020 election.


A neo-Nazi front group is demanding that New England secede and establish itself as a white nation. Decrying “enemies” that are “all around us” and vowing to defend racial “integrity,” the People’s Initiative of New England published a revolutionary manifesto on July 27 advocating “separation from the United States of America.”

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 51 points 11 months ago

So, anyone else wonder if the plan for Republican controlled states here is to chase all of the left leaning people out, bolstering their majority stranglehold in certain states and sacrificing things like talented doctors/nurses/teachers/etc. for an electoral college advantage? Literal tyranny of the minority? Hmm?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Acronymesis@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world

A community near Hanford (if you've seen Oppenheimer, Hanford is the nuclear production complex that produced plutonium for the Manhattan Project) has voted to oust three school board members this week. Back in February of 2022, this trio of members voted to defy the mask mandate in effect in Washington State, throwing the school district into chaos and forcing the superintended to close all schools for two days.

What makes this kind of a big deal is that, while Washington State has been very blue for many years, this community is located in the much redder eastern side of the state, and votes consistently Republican each election. Now, school board elections are supposed to be non-partisan, but we all know how the Republican party has started endorsing candidates in these non-partisan elections, and the election where this trio was elected was no different.

As someone from this community, it often feels hopeless when the candidates I vote for lose by considerable margins. This particular election shows that there IS hope, given the right amount of motivation and turnout (this is a BIG turnout for a non-presidential election!). I'm proud of what this effort accomplished!

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 66 points 11 months ago

There are many who choose not to celebrate until the Orange One has had "actual repercussions".

Me? Well...

To each their own. 🥂🍻🍸🍷

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 170 points 11 months ago

A Supreme Court Justice saying/believing something this fundamentally incorrect about the expectations of their job should be disqualifying.



Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis reaffirmed in a local news interview that she will announce charging decisions by September 1 in her investigation into efforts by Donald Trump and his allies to overturn Georgia’s 2020 presidential election result, while applauding the ramped-up security measures around the local courthouse.

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 48 points 11 months ago

Say it with me, everybody:

> If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism; they will reject democracy.

-David Frum-

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 46 points 11 months ago

After telling a friend of mine about the Mitch McConnell incident yesterday, and he replied, “Him and (Diane) Feinstein gonna get a little cabin together and just see out their years on the porch?

This gave me an idea. I had my other buddy who frequents Midjourney prompt it with “Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein sitting on a cabin porch on a couple of rocking chairs staring out into the sunset”

The result? Perfection.


number of Republican figures, including Donald Trump MAGA loyalists, have called on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to resign amid concerns about his health.

(Less cancerous link: https://archive.ph/QMkMM)


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suddenly stopped speaking during a weekly Republican leadership news conference Wednesday afternoon, appearing to freeze, and then went silent and was walked away.

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 132 points 11 months ago

"We’ll have fun on the stand with all of these people that say the Presidential Election wasn’t Rigged and Stollen [sic],” Trump posted, adding an all-caps claim it’ll be “THE TRIAL OF THE CENTURY!!!”

When we were told as youngsters that "any one of you could be the president of the United States!", I never imagined it could be interpreted as a warning rather than something meant to motivate young minds. 🤦🏽‍♂️

[-] Acronymesis@lemmy.world 79 points 11 months ago

To any “patriot” who would tell these young folks to just leave the United States, I’d like to submit a preemptive YOU are the one’s who should be getting the fuck out. YOU are the ones who are un-American, YOU are the ones supporting a traitor to our country, and YOU are the ones fucking it up for everyone else by voting against not just your interests, but our interests as the not billionaire class. Hopefully, enough youth in this can be motivated to make us something to be proud of, rather than an embarrassment.

I'll also add a preemptive "I have no fucks to give" to anyone who wants to try and shame me for not playing nice with these "patriots". I definitely spend quite a bit of time trying to understand these people, but only in the hopes that a method to marginalize racists/traitors/bigots can be developed. You want to try to figure out how to "work with" these people, go right ahead. Not going to waste my time.

Signed: One pissed off veteran.


FTA: The recent news that Jack Smith has subpoenaed the security footage from the State Farm arena vote count location in Georgia, taken in conjunction with Trump’s efforts in places like Michigan — where his efforts focused on preventing a fair count of Detroit, where he had actually performed better than in 2016, rather than Kent County, the still predominantly white county where he lost the state — is a reminder that Trump and his mobs, many associated with overt white supremacists like Nick Fuentes, aggressively tried to thwart the counting of Black and Latino people’s votes. It was the same play Roger Stone used when he sent “election observers” to Black precincts in 2016, just on a far grander scale, and backed by the incitement of the sitting President.


A Capitol riot suspect who had guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition in his van when he was arrested near former president Barack Obama’s Washington home has been indicted on federal firearms charges, authorities have said.

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