Facebook brainwashed brits into leaving the UE lmao
I got excluded in 2022 for saying Israel wasn't leading a just war if they killed 40 times their casualty count.
Why do you hate arabs, germgerm?
Also there is no fucking "brigading" on lemmy given how small it is, idiot. I didn't actively seek out this shit, it just popped on my frontpage.
You think there's no trans people in arab countries, idiot? You think bombing them will improve their situation?
Ah but that's right, you care a lot about AMERICAN trans people and women. You don't really see us as human, do you?
You think I care about being called name by some genocidal idiot? I don't care how you vote, you're american and thus you're paying for the bombs that killed my friend. Both of your parties supported genocide, by your own admittance. Yet you passively suck their dick in hope they will give you safety and attack people in the middle east and mexican migrants instead. I hate you as a person and I wish you to suffer.
"I'm not saying all rape victims deserved it but most wore a skirt at night"
Well then just retaliate against motorists everytime one of us die. Some text-and-drive bitch rammed into a cyclist? Let's shoot randomly at traffic.
An eye for an eye isn't justice but it's still better than nothing
Yeah somebody gotta pay lockheed martin's shareholders
Americans really are evil lmao. I love how they think they're proper being where in reality their very existence and lifestyle is the cause of countless human suffering. Imagine being that brainwashed that you see no issue whining about china's murdering muslims while your country is sending bombs to kill palestinians.
I wonder if you're aware of your own hypocrisy or just fucking dumb
MoSt PeoplE PuShinG ThAt NarrAtiVe
Bitch my friend in lebannon got firebombed and you're calling me a russian asset, you subhuman dishonest american fuck? Have you got no heart, cunt?
I hope you get sent to the middle east and see your friends dying. Heartless scum
I like craiglist, it's where I met my crack dealer