Anthill Mob from Wacky Races.

Rocking the "Stallion of Audacity"

I think there was a missed opportunity here to represent their fight with sticks as the blocking of ads.

I had no idea it was called Béchamel, lol. I always referred to it all as roux as you really just add more to the base sauce. The more you know...

[-] 24 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Accurate but most places that I'm aware of that serve chinese food are closed on Mondays.

Update: They were actually open today which I was thankful for as I travel for the Holidays.

Mistakes have been made


Then you take the wrapper off and they'll never use it again.

As I always say to my wife (who is from New England): Get ch'ya kaa keys outta ya kaakees, we're goin to kankard(Concord), kid.

What a terrible day to have eyes.

"File, Peter. So that would be... Peter File."


As an option, when I select a link in the app, I would like a popup that will show the link address in full and to confirm my choice to visit the site.

[-] 12 points 11 months ago

Sorry, this is entirely my fault.

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