That ship may have already sailed before this administration took over, but my hope was that society could restructure itself in a way that would still sustain human life. At this point we may even be on an extinction track if nothing changes. The world is chaotic enough at 1.5C. I shutter to imagine a world at 4C.
The article was not paywalled, also I think the term we like to use for this phenomenon is “brain drain.”
The climate research community has been gutted by what’s happening with the US government. NOAA and NWS collected some of the most important and valuable data in the world for this and now that’s pretty much over. It will take decades to undo what has been done in only a few months and I’m being hopeful.
Money aside, as a society we should probably be putting more investment into keeping older, but fuel efficient cars on the road. The carbon footprint from manufacturing the car is already there and the with the fuel mileage/emissions/ longevity on something like a used Camry, a Tesla probably wouldn’t even last long enough to pass the break even point.
Buying a new EV makes sense for someone who’s driving a gas guzzling clunker, but most people driving those vehicles probably couldn’t afford an EV anyway.
This will probably fuck up the used car market so it’s stupid regardless, but we don’t have to keep buying new shit especially if it doesn’t make sense from an environmental standpoint as well as a financial one.
What’s that in Scaramuccis?
We gotta fight fire with fire. Avoiding potentially “dangerous rhetoric” is part of what got us here, we need to tell it like it is and start referring to things as “common sense” because that will reach the majority of Americans.
Driving into protesters is essentially legal in Florida per the Riot Bill if I recall. They made caveats to it like they have to be obstructing the road, as if that makes it much better.
For some reason Gary Peters aligned with Schumer on the spending bill, but also signed this
As horrible as this is, the hypocrisy is what pisses me off the most. Absolutely rubbing salt into the fact that these people are political targets
I’ll stop calling and emailing when they start doing their damn job. The status quo bullshit has to end, now.
No shit, someone just pulled that number out of their ass because it sounded good. Regardless of how much bullshit and nonsense this is, I would rather have a functional government keep the money and use it effectively than whatever the fuck this administration is currently doing.
Reliability is paramount to me lol
I knew it was bad when the general consensus on the sycophantic subreddit r/conservative also held the opinion that these people should be held accountable. How terrible do you have to be to piss off your own loyalists? This timeline does not even feel real sometimes