[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 1 points 20 minutes ago

Coup???? You think this was a coup??? noo!!! this is just us doing FOREIGN POLICY

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 33 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)


nice nice nice more biden wins -- if trump were in office then the world would be on fire AND trump would be in office!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 15 points 2 days ago

gotta respect that based grindset

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 days ago

From the people who brought you the British Empire and Transphobe Island, comes this chart-topping hit-- Crackpipe Isles

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 6 points 2 days ago

yeah american politics is so deeply complex and has so much nuance its really hard for anyone outside to know w- oh. actually no

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 days ago

I was hoping you would post your reaction to the content - but thank you for the directive. We will change the laws to make sure that you are safe.

I love you, my child. Goodnight, and sweet dreams. When you wake up tomorrow, it is my prayer that you see these lands in their Eden state; devoid of Hexbear posts, and full of lib Ws.


[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 5 points 6 days ago

random poem

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 32 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I am new, and I am sure that the culture has changed a lot like with Mastodon in the last few years, but what I perceive is lots of FOSS and Linux people, which is unsurprising. There's tech/infosec people like on Mastodon, and people that have what I consider a very healthy skepticism about big data, corporations, and corporate surveillance. I also notice that political attitudes have a much healthier range than any other social media I've been on in the last decade - and I don't just mean that there are more people like me. There is a good number of people I disagree with, too.

There are definitely people interested in games and niche interests/hobbies, but it feels to me like the community is still very FOSS-centric. Which is nice. :)

e: obviously influenced by my instance of choice

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by 087008001234@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.ml

This is a genuine question, so please don't do me like Vlad the Impaler. What is your opinion about the benefits of upgrading to displays beyond 1080p?

I have never watched a film or a video at 1080p and thought it needed to look better. When it comes to software, I feel like I would want a proportionally larger monitor to keep the same ~~DPI~~ PPI, otherwise older software might be a pain to use, and that maintained software UI won't necessarily benefit. However, that line of thinking is probably a niche concern of mine? I don't play first person shooters, so maybe that's another thing I don't get. I have read some people saying that text looks better, which I could buy I suppose?

I wouldn't say the same for 800x600, but maybe if I were a boomer I would have made that post, too. Is this something I would get over if I start using a modern display?

e: thanks to everyone for great responses! Based on the popular sentiment, I'm thinking I would take to 1440p just fine, presuming I get a screen ratio, ~~DPI~~ PPI, and screen size that suit my preferences. I am really relieved that I'm not super weird for being completely fine with my ancient monitors. :)

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 9 points 1 month ago

Private as in property.

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 month ago

reminder for all the readers that social democracy killed Karl and Rosa with Freikorps personnel - quelling the communist movement threatening to achieve the aims of the revolution that put them in power. Freikorps then seamlessly transitioned into Nazi leadership a few years later

the above poster isnt exaggerating or anything

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 15 points 4 months ago

Thank you for sharing - I didn't know the Dutch were getting hit with this crap, too. I always just think of it as a US and increasingly British experience.

[-] 087008001234@lemmy.ml 20 points 4 months ago

The repo owner is lost in the mountains and will accept your request after they get out of the hospital and find a new job and apartment in two years. :)

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