The interestingness of the temperature is very dependent on where you are and what the normal temperature for the time of year is
Mildly Interesting
This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.
This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?
Just post some stuff and don't spam.
The temperature here was very interesting for a second or two until I remembered some people use °F.
Translation for those of us in the civilized world:
The temperature yesterday was between 26° and 32°. The forecast shows it may get all the way to 43° in the coming week.
Thanks. Really didn't see the point of all the random numbers. Why did OP expect everyone to be able to read this?
Because USA = the world.
i’m mildly interested regardless people have too high of standards for a place with mild in the name
It’s pretty much normal, for this area, except for the 110F forecast for this week. To go from mild 80’s weather to that, this early in June is odd.
Still means fuck all to about 98% of people mate
Quit yo jibberjabber
You could go hang out in Africa. I think they use Celsius there.
Not sure why this was downvoted. I have visited the Seychelles and Ethiopia. I think they both use Celsius. 🤷♀️
If you're thinking of Liberia you might be wrong
I feel like that's not a word. Is it?
Either way, there's gotta be another word for that.
Just so you know, according the Chambers English dictionary, it is.
Yeah, I mean, I looked it up after I posted the comment, but my shock then was from my inability to find a suitable synonym or other expression to replace it. Oh well.
allure, charm, beauty, attraction, attractiveness, fascination, pleasingness, interestingness, glamor, charmingness, engagingness, seductiveness
You're right, none of these really fit
Isn't English wonderfully stupid 😂
Probably not, but more concise than "amount of interest piqued"
I'm really struggling to find a better word, even with the help of a thesaurus. They're either not the same, or have too much of a positive meaning. Maddening.
I'm really hoping that's in Fahrenheit
Nah, really?!?
At least they were nice about it and didn't make some colonial ass slur about "civilized society"
It wouldn’t be colonial, though. Britain didn’t start its switch to the metric system until 1965. The colonists wouldn’t have been using metric, seeing as they came from Britain. must be the chosen one that can live next to hell gate
Hell yeah could have filmed their music video for “Hush” in this place, and the weather would have just been an added touch.
Nobody wants Hellyeah to visit
Eh, there are still metal fans that would attend a show if they played a set.
I feel like I know less about the weather there having looked at these bars.
Ahh you’re probably stuck near the heat dome
Yep! I just saw that article this morning. We aren’t the epicenter of the heatdome, but we are in it.
Stay frosty 🥶
Damp and cool from shasta on up, you guys stay safe!
Brb, checking to make sure this isn’t my forecast…
phew only two more weeks of rain for me
Nope. I don’t live there. I had a job offer there once, and I turned it down for a job in Northern California. Piece of advice, if you don’t have close family in any area that offers you a job, don’t move there. It won’t last.
But then again, who does?
I actually do have family in Redding. I just don’t have any family in the coastal areas of Northern California. I just wasn’t meant to be a hippie, I guess. It just isn’t in my blood.
But wait! There’s more! Back to the ‘80’s soon!