The quest is for 40. If you find more it won't add anything to the quest reward. The troll won't even notice the extra, it's just a waste of hunger to look for more.
I really liked Barbie, but I didn't see Oppenheimer.
The quest is for 40. If you find more it won't add anything to the quest reward. The troll won't even notice the extra, it's just a waste of hunger to look for more.
I really liked Barbie, but I didn't see Oppenheimer.
very different movies we are talking about
but I Liked oppenheimer ( as far as nolan movies go) I kinda like all of em (didnt care about batmans why so serious ? ) but never really love any of them except memento . didnt see barbie its too beh i have no interest to see that.
aaand every single time i wonder how many gold ^^ on this quest. its always 500 reforge 1500 next then you got 2000 left and every single time i google it and i get confused coz internet says multiple things. i liked the fallout show but i hate todd howard and bethesda fallouts.
You have a very eclectic taste.
i keep forgetting this
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