submitted 1 month ago by Blaze@lemmy.zip to c/games@sh.itjust.works

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/29783263

i avoid hype but as a massive fan of the original kcd and the honesty of this reveal, im hyped! wont be pre-ordering though, never pre-order its bad for the industry and consumers.

top 4 comments
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[-] Sunny@slrpnk.net 9 points 1 month ago

Cannot wait for this game to come out, first game was a blast to play - truly unique from other games I've played.

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 7 points 1 month ago

I started playing the original game ages ago but got distracted by life, and finally picked it up again a couple of months ago. The game is honestly very janky and unpolished, much more than I remember it being the first time I was playing, but it's still so much fun. It was refreshing to see in their announcement video that they acknowledge that the first game didn't live up to their hopes, and that with a bigger budget and more experience, the sequel should get them closer to their dream.

Some thoughts:

  • Holy shit the voice actor for Henry is Henry. I had no idea he was modelled off of him that closely.
  • Hand cannons!!!!!!!
  • Wonder what year this'll be set in. The original was 1403. Are we skipping forward a few years or picking up right where we left off?
  • Will we get to see further development of the tiny amount of Hussite stuff we got in the last game? I found the vast majority of times the game touched on religion last game to be tedious and preachy, except for the hints of the upcoming theological conflicts.
  • Where will the expanded map take us? I was doubting it'd extend to Prague, until they mentioned that it would be dealing with kings. And honestly I'd love to go to Prague.
[-] kurcatovium@lemm.ee 3 points 1 month ago

Not 100% sure, but should be less than one year after first one.

It won't happen in Prague, but should be part in Kutna Hora (medieval city) and other one in Cesky raj (Jicin/Turnov area, very picturesque area with beautifull landscape).

[-] djsoren19@yiffit.net 6 points 1 month ago

I'm interested but will need to see what improvements are made to the mid-endgame. I loved, loved, loved the early game of the first title, but found that after you made it to the castle and could really spend some time practicing your swordplay, the difficulty became non-existent. I understand that from a realism perspective, a master swordsman in full plate armor on horseback would have been pretty damn immortal in 16th century Europe, but then they should have given harder and more difficult challenges.

this post was submitted on 18 Apr 2024
51 points (98.1% liked)


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