submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by KonalaKoala@lemmy.world to c/mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world

Lately, I have been getting the following popup when I share various links to democratic petitions and take actions on Tribel, and it hasn't happened to me before.

So far, it has happened with trying to post the following:

  • A link to a petition to pass Automatic Voter Registration
  • A link to telling Congress to support Healthy School Meals for all
  • A link to a petition to remove Judge Aileen Cannon from Jack Smith's classified documents case against Trump
  • A link to a petition to demand the Supreme Court denies Trump’s immunity claim
  • A donation link to Stopping Third-Party Candidates Like RFK Jr. From Handing Trump Victory
  • A link to standing with Bernie Sanders in his fight to save Social Security
  • A link to telling Congress to pass the Black Maternal Health Momnibus
  • A link to a petition to demand felony charges against Cody Roberts for Animal Cruelty
  • A link to a petition to stand with President Biden and SAVE Medicare from Mike Johnson’s GOP House Majority
  • A link to Protect Pets And Wildlife From Agonizing Death in Heavy-Duty Rat Traps
  • A link to Urge Congress to pass Community Schoolyards® legislation
  • A link to telling your U.S. House representative to support the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act
  • A link to telling Chief Justice John Roberts that Donald Trump is NOT above the law and should be PROSECUTED
  • A link for signing a letter for #TaxDay2024 to support policies that make the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
  • A link to a petition to FIRE Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.
  • A link to a petition to give Social Security seniors a stimulus payment.
  • A donations link to stopping voter suppression.
  • A link to a petition for Congress to SAVE the US Postal Service from bankruptcy.
  • A link to a petition to tell Congress to close the Medicaid gap.
  • A link to a petition DEMANDING every GOP insurrectionist to be REMOVED from Congress.
  • A link to a petition to support legislation to guarantee Vote by Mail in all 50 states.
  • A link to a petition demonstrating support for Bernie Sanders’ wealth tax on billionaires.
  • A donation link to stop Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from handing the election to Trump.
  • A link to demand Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are EXPELLED from Congress.
  • A Change.org petition link to Return a dog named Oakley to His Rightful Home in Baldivis, WA
  • A Change.org petition link to Let’s get Thabo the wild monkey to safety!
  • And now a MoveOn Political Action donations link to Don't let MAGA's harrowing archaic vision for us become reality

These links so far are from the following organizations.

  • Change.org
  • Greater Good
  • Moms Rising
  • MoveOn Political Action
  • National Democratic Training Committee
  • Progressive Turnout Project
  • Public Interest Research Group
  • Retired Americans PAC
  • Stop Republicans
  • Trust for Public Land
  • Vote.org

I have tried contacting support over there numerous times already to find out what is happening, but I haven't gotten any response from them at all about it. The only answer I had gotten so far over there is from a user stating they have gotten it on occasion when I try to post a new post and think the site might have been hacked by Conservatives, or the site owner Omar may have gotten bought out by Conservatives for this to begin happening against Democratic links to help Democrats.

Right now, I'm not sure where I could be allowed to begin posting the links that are being blocked by the popup on Tribel, since I thought and it seemed like that site was left leaning. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know here.

Edit: Removed all other edit notes again and added that it is now also happening with a link to a petition DEMANDING every GOP insurrectionist to be REMOVED from Congress.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a link to a petition to support legislation to guarantee Vote by Mail in all 50 states.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a link to a petition demonstrating support for Bernie Sanders’ wealth tax on billionaires.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a donation link to stop Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from handing the election to Trump.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a link to demand Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are EXPELLED from Congress.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a Change.org link to Return a dog named Oakley to His Rightful Home in Baldivis, WA.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a Change.org link to Let’s get Thabo to safety!

Edit: Added its also happening again with a MoveOn Political Action donations link to Don't let MAGA's harrowing archaic vision for us become reality.

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there doesn't seem to be anything here
this post was submitted on 11 Apr 2024
-3 points (42.1% liked)

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