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This particular community was removed this morning.
I don't want to go into too many details, but suffice it to say that this is not the first time the responsible users (or, potentially, single user with multiple accounts) has tried to cause disruptions on, so this is why they have been banned from as well.
I know the community is still visible on The reason for this is most likely technical - either the community removal action did not get received properly by that instance, or the fact that one of the mods was a user of that instance has prevented the removal from being acknowledged by Either way, is not hosting this community anymore.
Is there a way to report communities such as this one? One commenter suggested via posts on the community would this be the best way? Is there even a need to report these communities?
You can reach out to admins directly if there is reason to believe that reports are being closed by mods before admins can see them
Thank you for handling this, it's vital to a growing platform!
Not just a new and growing platform -- constant gardening.
Report it, I don't know about admins but the admins have been good about removing rule breaking stuff amd stuff from bigots amd the kinds of people you mention in your post so I hope the admins are the same
So report it and please include relevant information in the report, don't just send an empty report because I've seen admins asking people not to send empty reports
Its gone now, but I couldn't find a report button for that community only a block button
Report the posts of any commu ity that violated rules and explain in the report that the entire community breaks the rules
Doesn't this go to the moderators of that community first?
My understanding is that it goes to both mods and admins simultaneously.
It does, but I think if the community mods mark a report as dealt with then it disappears from the server admin's notifications too. I could be wrong but pretty sure that's how I've seen it explained. Still worth a try ofc, you just can't guarantee who sees your report first.
Contacting the admin directly is also an option
For future reference you are correct, theod can mark it resolved and it disappears from the admin q. The admins may have a way to still review after the mod marks it resolved but I'm not sure.
For real. I just had the misfortune of looking at that cesspit for about 45 seconds and I feel like I need a shower.
There is nothing if value there whatsoever.
Thankfully it appears to have been removed. I was ready to pack up and move to another instance if the admins indicated that they were ok with having that hosted here. It would be all downhill for this instance if they allowed it.
That community was horrific and I’m really glad it was dealt with, but this raises some big-picture moderation questions that will need to be answered moving forward. For example: What is the difference between sharing an extreme opinion v.s. sharing misinformation/disinformation on Unless admins make an executive decision in the meantime, I think it would be useful to have a productive discussion on criteria for content like this because there will hands down be more situations like this down the road.
Yeah. I didn’t realise initially, and wrote a response to a post on there, with multiple links to research (real research, by real scientists). Response was banning for misinformation. Kinda proud to be banned from that cesspool.
Looks like it's gone. And nothing of value was lost.
It is not gone unfortunately. If you click the link provided by the communitylinkfixerbot in this thread you can see that it still very much exists and is active.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Somebody should make a community called "fake news" and fill it with the Onion style headlines.
Oh look another COVID shot bigot not wanting others to make their own decisions about taking experimental therapeutics proven to cause heart damage in a high percentage of patients. People like you are why democracy is dead. You would support the nazis in Germany in the 1940's too and condemn those with independent thinking as spreading misinformation.
rip bozo