submitted 9 months ago by ciko22i3@sopuli.xyz to c/android

One should be at the bottom one at the top. I understand space on the phone is a premium but a second port would make the phone so much more usable. Wired headphones, flash drives, camera modules, speaker modules, keyboards, even connection to a TV, all could be used while charging. It's a shame it's not a thing, USB is extremely versatile port, but you only get one and it's used for charging half of the time. (I am aware dongles exist)

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[-] Zak@lemmy.world 166 points 9 months ago

Wired headphones... could be used while charging

Sure is a shame nobody ever came up with a way to do that before.

[-] SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net 83 points 9 months ago

The person who decided a headphone jack is superfluous should be found, tarred, feathered, and left naked and alone deep in the alaskan wilderness covered in pigs blood for the wildlife to enjoy.

[-] WhoRoger@lemmy.world 19 points 9 months ago

I believe Steve Jobs is already dead. And those who inherited his billions probably don't mind all those extra AirPod sales, especially if people keep losing them.

[-] Stovetop@lemmy.world 47 points 9 months ago

Jobs died before the headphone jack was removed (iphone 7 in 2016, while Jobs died in 2011).

The villain we're looking for is Jony Ive, Apple's product designer until 2019. All other companies just copied Apple's lead so if there is a responsible party, it's him.

[-] WhoRoger@lemmy.world 12 points 9 months ago

Yea fuck him too, bit ol' Steve was quite a fan of the whole "remove every slightly extra option and then sell it back to the user" way of doing business.

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[-] SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net 15 points 9 months ago

Steve Jobs died in 2011, the headphone jack disappeared from the iPhone 7 in 2016.

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[-] Todgerdickinson@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

They should also be be required to use a dongle for every tool they use to survive with a limit of only 1 tool at a time

[-] morrowind@lemmy.ml 24 points 9 months ago

I hate how we're stuck in a limbo between headphones jacks and usb-c. Like the change was bad to begin with, but if you're going to switch to usb-c, then do it fully.

USB-C for everything honestly would have been good if they had. But we're stuck in a limbo

[-] RanchOnPancakes@lemmy.world 86 points 9 months ago

Bring back the headphone port! Bring back the headphone port! Bring back the headphone port!

[-] Thorny_Thicket@sopuli.xyz 28 points 9 months ago

It never dissapeared - you just started buying devices without one

[-] RanchOnPancakes@lemmy.world 12 points 9 months ago

The selection is pretty slim.

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[-] spiderman@ani.social 21 points 9 months ago

headphone jacks are still available for mid ranged androids, even along with a charger. pretty much the only win we can get for purchasing a mid ranged androids.

[-] exu@feditown.com 17 points 9 months ago

Not being ridiculously overpriced is another advantage imo.

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 19 points 9 months ago

I'd rather have another USB port actually. It's just so much more versatile.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 9 points 9 months ago

Honestly, this. I'm not happy that they took away my headphone jack, but if they'd replaced it with a second USB port I would have been okay with it.

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[-] InverseParallax@lemmy.world 16 points 9 months ago

Lg v60, 2 screens, headphone port, Microsd.

Good night, sweet prince.

[-] eroc1990@lemmy.parastor.net 8 points 9 months ago

Man I miss LG being in the phone market.

[-] Matt 15 points 9 months ago

Sony says hi :)

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[-] Hazdaz@lemmy.world 75 points 9 months ago

Soon you're gonna feel lucky that your phone has even ONE port.

Give it 5 years and Apple will have removed their lightning and/or USB port and gone wireless on everything.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 23 points 9 months ago

Apple is going to be compelled to offer USB-C as a wired charging connection in Europe if it offers a wired charging option.

[-] Fogle@lemmy.ca 16 points 9 months ago

Which means bye bye charging port

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[-] lobut@lemmy.ca 38 points 9 months ago

ASUS ROG Phones have them. Also with a headphone jack I think.

[-] andyMFK@reddthat.com 37 points 9 months ago

Weird headphones don't use ucb-c, there is already a standard for headphones and it's the 3.5mm audio jack.

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[-] corytheboyd@kbin.social 35 points 9 months ago

This is what life is when all viable phones are made by two giant tech companies.

[-] Humanius@lemmy.world 19 points 9 months ago

You can plug a USB hub into your phone. That'd give you more ports.
I'm fairly certain there are hubs out there with a pass-through for charging as well

[-] ImaginaryFox@kbin.social 14 points 9 months ago

Having something built in is so much better than needing a dongle. There's a reason why even Apple brought back ports like hdmi and sd card slot to their Mac book pro line to eliminate even the needing a dongle for some people.

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[-] DrQuint@lemmy.world 17 points 9 months ago

We could even... Charge twice!

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[-] Nioxic@lemmy.world 17 points 9 months ago

are you also aware that some phones do have 2 ports ?

just buy one of those

[-] 99nights@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago
[-] Oszilloraptor@feddit.de 14 points 9 months ago
  1. I never understood why space should be at premium. A phone does not need to be as thin as possible. 1½-2cm thickness is reasonable in my eyes, and would allow so much more ports and/or buttons. I would have use for 2-3 extra buttons.
  2. The biggest pro of two opposing ports: you could always charge your device regardless of orientation. With just a port on the bottom charging while scrolling in the bed is often uncomfortable
[-] CaptFeather@lemm.ee 6 points 9 months ago

The biggest pro of two opposing ports: you could always charge your device regardless of orientation. With just a port on the bottom charging while scrolling in the bed is often uncomfortable

This is my biggest problem with my switch! I have to awkwardly hold it when I'm trying to ay laying on the couch or in bed. I hear the Steam Deck has a port on top for charging so it's already begun!

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[-] Piers@beehaw.org 9 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I agree. If we're going to lose the headphone port in favour of connecting to a universal connection (either directly or via an adaptor) then it's time we have two of them. As for positioning I gather that there are lots of handheld PC's with the one on top and one on bottom configuration and that it's generally accepted to be the best way (and my on top 3.5mm and on bottom USB-c seems to work pretty well) so I think you're right but it would be nice to see manufacturers try out a few different configurations to see in practise what people prefer.

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[-] rafa@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I think you're crazy 🤣

[-] BCsven@lemmy.ca 8 points 9 months ago

Wireless USB never took off. Essentials company was promisimg with PH1, it had wireless USB port. only released two wireless USB compatible devices for it though.

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[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 6 points 9 months ago

I very much like this idea, would be nice to be able to use a phone in more of a mini-computer manner, whereas at the moment they're somewhat hamstrung.

I'm always surprised phone docks aren't a thing, my work laptop has a USB-c dock that is bristling with ports that are useful.

[-] MrTHXcertified@lemmy.sdf.org 6 points 9 months ago

You know what? As long as the second port isn't gimped in any way (can do video out + all the typical USB things), then I might forgive them for taking away the headphone jack.

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this post was submitted on 30 Jul 2023
293 points (88.9% liked)


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