That's like 20 hours of She-Ra with no breaks. That's pretty intense!
This is a community for lovers of the show She-Ra, both the original and the reboot. feel free to share memes, talk about the show, or just share something you love thats related. Spoilers are allowed on this community and do not need spoiler tags, so if you have not finished the show please be aware you may have things spoiled for you!
Im pretty intense <3
i agree that you are probably pretty (send photos though)
not here, maybe elsewhere....
I take my binge watching seriously. At one point i was caught up on watching One Piece (subbed).
I got spoiled on the end of the series and it killed all intrest for me in the series because.
those two only make up and kiss in the last episode
watching it so fast i had no time to see any spoilers
This is how you do it.
If its 4am when you finish that counts as a second day.
you found the fatal flaw in my logic...