So let's be frank here: Nancy Pelosi's Democrats need to die in a fire. The old guard must be set aside and a new team should take their place by spearheading the direction of the party.
Get ready for...
The Democratic Super Friends
- Pete Butigieg (White Man)
- Kamela Harris (Captain President)
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Plucky Latina)
- Bernie Sanders (Master Splinter)
- Elizabeth Warren (Super Mom)
- Cory Booker (Male Ratio)
These powers combined, maybe YOUNG people won't be so disgusted by the democrats. That's right, young people. That's who the republicans were targeting. Get the millennial vote by making the Super Friends here a reality.
But nope, that would be too daring, too risque, too sexy - for the democrats. We gotta wheel out Schumer and exhume Dianne Feinatein to prop her up with duct tape in the house of representatives.
It's the only way... to lose again lol