I really wish the system would flag edited comments. I have edited comments all the time do to my incredibly poor spelling and grammar but also to update and since I never see an update I feel the need to put like EDITED - with the update and while I still might do this for major things just to break apart the initial and the update I still would like an automatic tag so I don't feel the need if its more minor. What would be awesome would be to see something like the track changes type of thing in a text document with the crossed out words and stuff. Like if you could choose a drop down that would give that view.
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Yes it saves the original comment body.
Due to the way federating works, a lot of regular users across different servers and clients will see the original content for quite a while too.
the way federation works is typically, when everything works correctly, that the updates go out within the same minute.
So like websites other than this one would see it, right? do you know around how long quite a while is? Like 10-15 mins, or like maybe a few hours?