Can you add me to it? You have my permission to uncensore mine. You really grind my gears!
Freeze Peach Patriots
welcome to chad mctruths truth community
where free speech still exists and critical thinking is encouraged
website for patriots only libs do not click
community rules
- rule 1 - dont be a troll or well cry no exceptions
- rule 2 - no self promotion unless its relevant to the conversation like if chads stomach hurts and youre mr bismol
- rule 3 - no downvoting
- rule 5 - no reporting us to the admins
patriot pro tip
- if you do things like say freeze peach instead of free speech you can use that as a safety net for when people get mad at you so you can point to it and pretend your ideas were a joke all along and say it was satire even though it wasnt
some acronyms you might see
- iabt - i agree big time: you said something right
- idbt - i disagree big time: you said something wrong
- hbihtaydrtr - hey buddy i have to assume you didnt read the rules: you need to read the rules
- comprehensive list
what to expect
- unfiltered and unapologetic posts from real american patriots
- potentially endless bickering
- a community that values critical thinking and chads personal individuality
- hard truths and uncomfortable conversations because we dont coddle people here unless they need it just ask
so if youre ready to join the conversation and speak your mind without fear of reprisal then youre in the right place except this is still .world so you gotta follow their tos okay
other stuff
topsyturvy tuesdays - ttt
- in case youre craving another layer of irony tuesdays are optionally opposite day where we ironically post lefty memes and you should probably indicate youre doing a topsyturvy post in the title
- rule 4 - posts or comments that are anti-religious will be pinned okay "ironic” prejudice is funny
banned users:
similar communities kind of maybe if they were mashed together:
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be a chad speak the truth
were only getting paid $11.50/hr to moderate this community so dont expect much from us
Dont you have a high school class to go to or something?
im not allowed there anymore after i got in a fight
Chad shit now steal your dad's AR while hes nodding off and bring it for show and tell
thats what got me in a fight in the first place my dumb boss said ThAtS wHaT wE hAvE tHe SrO fOr TeAcHeRs DoNt NeEd To Be ArMeD yeah right so i punched him
No one would ever put me on a list first of all be I'm nice but second of all because I am just too stealthy. They'd try to write my name but they won't remember it and if they did then I'd be there standing behind them in my ninja gear and I'd just shoop the pen out of their hands before they even knew what was happening. They'd be all like "where'd my pen go I was just holding it" and they wouldn't see me because of my stealth and I'd just creep out a window silently but not before leaving them some fresh bread cause I'm nice too and I keep my enemies close.
im coming for your ass chad
please add me