Of course. It's a junk product, so they can't count on the lucrative corporate contracts they were hoping for. So they're angling for lucrative government contracts instead, since landing those doesn't require a quality product - it just requires bribing the right officials.
Always get a giggle at the articles claiming AI is replacing humans. Sorry, but I regularly have to correct it from dropping functionality in a 5-10 line code snippet, ain't no way it can orchestrate government operations.
I, the CEO and shareholder of shitstorm data, have researched Facebook and concluded that the government needs shitstorm data. Totally not because those government contracts would make me rich while destroying the government so that I can take a go at over throwing the country
Parasites want the taxpayer to bail out their failed investments.
To be fair precedent does support this mindset
Can't wait for AI to take over government function and see all the ways people post about how to get it to do things it shouldn't. Government waste and fraud will skyrocket worse than a kleptocracy on crack.
Corporations that already more or less control the world want even more leeway to control the world even MORE despite clear evidence they are woefully unprepared?
Name a more iconic duo.
ooh so that was the plan with the mass firings ...
TOTOPOTUS here we come!