I have charizard id do for your magneton
Pokemon TCGM
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Offered :) thank you.
I have extra ♦️♦️♦️ Charizards. Do you have a Lapras you would trade?
I have a Lapras I could trade for one of your Charizards.
Sorry, I had to decline the trade. I should've been more specific, I'm looking for the basic rare Lapras. I've had zero luck pulling one.
Oh, I see
That would be great! It'll be a little bit before I have time to get to the game today so if you beat me to it feel free to send the trade. Otherwise I'll send you the Charizard later today. TYVM!
Lapras I only have once, sorry :( unfortunate.
Are you interested in others?
Jolteon, Machamp, and Ditto are the only other 3♦️ pokemon I need that aren't on your list too.
I also have an extra Articuno if you happen to have more than one of those three.
I noticed that I have a lot of 3 Diamonds but not nearly as many doubles as I thought. I included all my tradables in my post. Yours aren't among them, sorry about that :(