this post was submitted on 12 Feb 2025
186 points (98.9% liked)
Two Goobers — Just the Two of Us
421 readers
156 users here now
A community for wholesome memes and pics about you and the person you care about most in the world.
Whether they be your best friend, a family member, romantic partner, or anyone else (like zucchinis!), this is the perfect place for finding and sharing memes / pics that make you feel warm inside.
They can be sappy, lovey-dovey, or full of goober energy.
- Be civil - This is a wholesome community. Hate speech, sexism, slurs, or other similar talk will not be tolerated. Don't cause arguments in the comments.
- Pics should be about two people who care and love for each other
- Post titles should be about the love shared between the two people
- No hateful or cruel pics. Only wholesome ones (a bit of gremlin energy is allowed)
- No NSFW or suggestive pics
- No politics
- Do your best to check for reposts before submitting a pic
founded 3 months ago
Its 3 goobers tho. Unsubbed smh
Don't forget, it's a cat. As far as it's concerned, there is only itself and two peons that fulfill it's every need.
Or they're a polycule (was that the right term?) with a wild-shaped druid.
This but reversed. Wife likes me to lay on top of her like a weighted blanket.
Tru she do like that