This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Toys is a batshit insane movie but goddamn the soundtrack is a banger
Applying for a volunteer position and they need two referees that they'll contact and ask them to write a character reference. I'm kind of scared to ask my manager because she's busy and also a colleague because of the off-chance that they'll turn on me. But I should just ask.
Is the organisation also offering a background check on their own reliability and honesty?
I doubt it, I would look them up myself first, too many dodgy people out there taking advantage.
Lining up references is the worst. I hate asking, and yet I've frequently been a reference for others and I'm always happy to do it. Happy to help if you get stuck.
Holy shit, I’ve never been this good
I’m so bad at most of these.
35 - reading all those trashy magazines in the past has finally paid off
Woke up for my alarm for work this morning and fell back asleep. My mum called me 20 minutes before I was supposed to start, which was so lucky because I wouldn't have woken up.
Does anyone here wake up early everyday without an alarm?
Yeah. My alarm is really a backup to make sure I don't sleep through, which is pretty rare for me.
Do you feel like you get enough sleep?
I only need about 5-6 hours naturally, any more than that and I feel sluggish and a bit discombobulated lol. I get tired early though, so I like to be in bed by 9-9:30pm and resting my back and legs for a bit before I actually go to sleep. I have to make myself stay awake a bit longer or I'll drop off to sleep and do that thing where I wake up and think, "oh that was a good sleep, I wonder what time it is?" and it's 1am! Then I get really cranky because I know I can't get much more and I'll be stuck trying to be quiet in a house of sleeping people lol.Otherwise I frequently sleep in a kind of split shift, where I get 3 hours then get up, check on the kids, security camera etc and then go back to bed and get a couple more eventually. I used to get really bummed over the whole "people need to sleep for 8 hours" thing until I accepted that this is my "natural" and it works for me.
Yup. I set my alarm based on when I start work, with 6.20 being the earliest. I literally can't remember the last time it was my alarm that woke me
My poor little cat. She’s still not seeming well. I’m hoping the blood pressure meds kick in soon because I’m feeling so much worry
Goodnight everyone ❤️ Tomorrow will be an interesting day.
This has been one of my favourite songs for a few years.
Muete, What Else is There?
Röyksopp - Poor Leno is one of my faves for Cafe Del Mar era chill house.
Love the vibe!
Den of Thieves: Pantera
The sequel to Den of Thieves and this time, the big score is located in Europe.
The first Den of Thieves is quite entertaining and a great heist movie along the lines of Michael Mann’s “Heat”. I strongly suggest watching this prior to the sequel. I did not do that, and started regretting it during the viewing, as there are some references that eluded my memory.
O’ Shea Jackson and Gerard Butler take the leading roles. O’ Shea is completely forgettable performance while Gerard Butler has a great screen charisma but it’s often let down with terrible dialogue.
The plot is slightly confusing at times, nevertheless it moves along at a fairly good pace.
The truth is I’m not here for Oscar winning performance or cinematography or engaging dialogue, it’s about the score. The action.
The movie opens up with a really smooth jewelry caper with full combat gear, full comms, souped up Audis and surveillance overwatch. The thieves are going loud and it’s an intense thrust right into the action that gets you invested straight away.
The big heist in the third act is equally intense but it’s a quiet job and much more physically demanding. All the tropes were on display here. The cameras, motion detectors, safe cracking, all the gadgetry etc..a very engaging display of skill, discipline and physical prowess. (Kind of unbelievable at times though)
Not the best heist movie around but, definitely entertaining. Has a nice little double twist at the end. Not really rewatch worthy for me.
3/5 carats
Didn’t know a sequel had come out. Going to watch it tonight!