Imagine Finding Nemo set in the Gulf of Yorkshire:
"Oh bloody 'ell, I've lost our Nemo down int big water! By the way I'm from yorrrrrrrkshure! Where are ya, Nemo lad?"
No foul language - i.e. French 🤮
Obviously satire, dozy wankers
Imagine Finding Nemo set in the Gulf of Yorkshire:
"Oh bloody 'ell, I've lost our Nemo down int big water! By the way I'm from yorrrrrrrkshure! Where are ya, Nemo lad?"
“I’m from Yorrrrrkshure, I’m from the norf!!”
'e'd better not be down in't doggerland!
Freedom fries not far behind from making a come back. Because you know, that’s how you solve issues.
"Ah bugger, ah've almost run out o' petrol. I'm pretty sure there's a Gulf Petrol Station near here, in t' centre o' Cas. Ah'll just pop 'Gulf, Yorkshire' into the satnav..."
People had getter watch out or Liverpool Bay may expand and become The Liverpool Sea. St Helens to Galway would then just be part of Greater Liverpool.
The Isle of Man should become Liverpool-on-sea
I like it. This is now A Thing.