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seems like you understand whats going on here can you tell me is she selling memes or perfume
I don't have a clue who except it's someone using the Trump name to exploit suckers. I suspect it could qualify for racketeering but I can't say definitively
this didnt help at all thanks though
thanks for reading between the lines on this chad mctruth they clearly display the word SMELANIA which is a mashup of SMEL[L] and MELANIA which is all the proof any patriot needs
thank you i was beginning to think i was crazy also she appears to be smelling her hands so im thinking shes enjoying her natural scent and the perfume will make wearers smell like her natural odor
im going to preorder the fuck out of this
Someone made up a coin, it's always a scam, and they're using the First lady's name to make it sound official.
so tell me if i have this right its a meme about the way melania smells and theyre trying to sell it to people but it has no real value because its a made up currency because memes arent currency
Pretty much.