Try using a tab suspend extension, something like 'auto tab discard'. Firefox has one built-in, but it's not aggressive enough.
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Check the RAM usage of each tab. My Firefox is constantly open at work, albeit with anywhere from 1-10 tabs, and it never gets slow. Only time I restart it is when Firefox updates.
I ran into the same issue on my PC.
Adeptus mechanicus would be proud of this dude.
Dawg I had like ~35 tabs open and hadn't restarted my PC in over three weeks. Fucking Firefox was sucking back 80 gigs of RAM. 80 fucking gigs.
On the bright side all the tabs were still loaded when I clicked through them.
I can't wait for Servo to be finished so I can move away from Firefox, it uses way too much memory.
I'm so hyped as well! Just read their monthly update blog today actually! I'm mostly hyped because it's the first actual new web browser in a very, very long time, and that's just plain exciting!
There are two new browsers coming Servo written in Rust and Ladybird (web browser) written in Swift. Lets see which one will win. Ladybird alpha is coming in 2026 and they have more funding.
Oh awesome, I didn't even know about this other project. Thanks for letting me know.