This isn’t wholesome for me, it is a literal waking nightmare.
I don’t want cookie cutter suburban stability I want a reason to live.
This ain’t it for me man.
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Definition of a meme/memetics A way of describing cultural information being shared.
An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means, especially imitation.
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This isn’t wholesome for me, it is a literal waking nightmare.
I don’t want cookie cutter suburban stability I want a reason to live.
This ain’t it for me man.
The OP post doesn't say it's a suburb. It could be country or city for all we know. I have seen snow in both.
Maybe the "kids" are your cat/dog "children."
Maybe it's not stable. Maybe you are the president of a company that does work on a contract basis, and you choose who you do the work for because you make the proposals.
If marriage doesn't sound good to you because you associate it with monogamy, know that there is such a thing as a non-monogamous marriage. I'm in one.
You hear: Employed, has home, married, has kids
You think: Cookie cutter suburban stability, literal waking nightmare?
You can’t walk away from those things easily.
I see them as suffocating and a compromise to my own self.
Of course I accept that others see it differently but your response is exactly why this is a denigrated view.
If you go against the grain of our society (I.e. you aren’t a heterosexual couple with children, a house, job and family pet) you are weird or unsuitable for raising children.
FYI the person above me edited their original comment where they said I shouldn’t have children (for the children’s sake - won’t somebody think of the children!!!).
It’s important context because I would say it is the prevailing view of our society (that social deviants should not have children) but they said the silent part out loud and realised.
About 5 years ago, I had this dream... I was sat at the bottom of a spiral staircase, in what I knew to be my house, having a party with my fiancee sat next to me. I laughed and said "How did I get so lucky, someone pinch me!". Fiancee pinched me, I said "ow!" and we laughed. Then I woke up, fucking brutal sense of loss for a wonderful life that suddenly didn't exist.
I still remember it quite clearly. Last month my landlord served notice on me after 13 years (wants to sell), I'm self employed and always thought a mortgage was out of the question. Well... I have tenative approval from a lender... and an offer accepted on a house... still time for it to fall apart. So I refuse to get excited till keys in hand.
Anyway this has turned into a bit of a long ting. But just wanted to share, for anyone else who thinks it's impossible... it's very hard. But do-able.
That wasn't a dream, it was a premonition!
Wouldn't that be awesome!
This is literally impossible. Christmas 2033 falls on a Sunday, how can the following day be Saturday?
You aren't accounting for the inclusion of "Trumpsday" to extend the workweek in honor of the newly-declared President for Life in the late 2020s.
You get fucked by big companies. Your snow is reduced to februrary because of climate change.
Finding a special other is almost impossible due to social media fed anxiety. Meeting people outside of the internet is unknown and people on the internet are the weirdest ones.
Owning a house is a privilege of the upper society.
Thanks to our parents and grand parents the governments in most countries are more right wing than before.
I agree w most of this but I'd argue most people meet outside the internet. I'm online far too much for it to be healthy and even I meet most people irl
This is a nightmare. I intentionally moved somewhere that it never snows and I absolutely hate children.
Snow kills big insects and leaves nothing too bad. The amount of cockroaches in some places makes makes snow worthwhile in its own right.
Humidity, now that's the real killjoy.
In ten years we'll have missed the boat to have kids and we still probably won't be able to afford a home in the city we live in. At least it won't be long till the Water Wars starts and ends this miserable timeline.
Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future.
People reporting this haven't seen Trainspotting. Brilliant movie!
If you don't own a home by now, then you probably never will. Unless you are given a large sum of money, forget it.
Or waiting for parents to pass along dat inheritance
watching my inlaws destroy their house through hording, neglect and laziness has been deeeeeeepressing - not for me, we moved away from the south and my time in the army helped me buy a house, but for my wife's siblings. It's gonna be a wreck before they confront their problems, and any kind of generational benefit to their other kids is gone.
I am 31 and still don't see myself having kids in 10 years or indeed ever.
and I would prefer sitting in my jaccuzi while it's snowing around me.
God I hope I don’t have kids in my late mid 40’s. Can I imagine living in a shack I built on some land I bought and I don’t have to talk to idiots everyday about nonsense? Nne of that shit in the meme appeals to me.
These are such negative comments in the replies
You're right. I thought the more positive ones were just being downvoted by the pessimists, but yikes the comments only got darker the further I scrolled down.
10 years later: Single, can’t afford rent, job doesn’t pay, kids? Can’t even afford a fish, it’s scorching hot outside, and tomorrow you work. All the hard work, for what? At least the bosses made it
Why wait ten years, when we’re all living the dream today.
Boomer fanfiction is so hot right now.
Picture this: enough fent to kill an elephant. You smile as you throw all of it in your mouth and chase it with your favorite cocktail.
Why must you torture me.
I remember seeing this meme about twelve years ago and thinking Yeah I got this. Well, I didn't and I don't.
The nice part is "the kids are asleep" because kids are so much fucking work when they are awake. "You made it" means you finally got the kids too sleep because they ate too much sugar and were bouncing off the fucking walls because "I can't sleep because I'm too excited".
Snow, in this climate?
Must be nuclear fallout.
I do not dream of labor. Ten years from now I hope I am building apocalypse resistant shelters with my affinity group, growing my own food and filtering my own water, and growing cannabis for trade.
Turned 40 April 1st. Married 20 very happy years. This is my every day homies :D
I'm 8 years in right now, 2 more to go but damn what a struggle. Building a house while simultaneously raising 3 kids and working a full time job is really hard. Thank God for the best wife I could ever ask for.
Not the hard work addressing my alcoholism, apparently
I had that 10 years ago. It was amazing. Then my wife's personality did a 180 and she left me.
... yay
I could, but Christmas Day 2033 is a Sunday.
Why would you want to watch TV?
And it doesn't snow here anymore, hmm.
I don't see it. I wish I did but I don't :(
Very depressing, in 10 years I should be retired and my kids out of the house, not clinging home like leeches... jeee.