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Communities of Interest:
Apple Hardware
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Vintage Apple
Apple Software
Community banner courtesy of u/Antsomnia.
Some of my general programs
- Homebrew (
- Magnet
- Shottr
- Velja
- Bitwarden
- Spark
- Firefox Nightly/Chrome
- Ferdium
- Pdf expert (before the subscription junk happened)/ PDF Studio
- Day progress
- Horo
- Obsidian
- Bartender (testing it)
For anyone reading this Horo is a timer for your menu bar. It’s simple but I can’t recommend it enough, I use it so often these days that I don’t know how I ever got by without it.
App Cleaner!
As a Mac user it is a bit of a shame that we need to depend on apps like this... Despite this app is awesome lol.
Sometimes getting rid of certain programs is like getting rid of malware lol.
Does Mac not cleanly uninstall programs? Is this needed for programs installed from the official Mac store too?
I can't speak for all the programs but I think almost all the programs I have ever used let a lot of undesired files everywhere, in theory moving the app to the thrash bin should be enough, but why let all that crap hanging around there?
Yeah, I do like the option of if I uninstall something to get rid of everything so it is back to the state it was before instead all these random misc and now unneeded files. I did some searches and lot of users were wondering why this functionality isn't present already.
The problem is AppCleaner is effectively guessing based on file name (and potentially other metadata) what to get rid of, you have to use your brain to check the list of what it is proposing to delete (hence why they show it to you and make you check the additional boxes). Someone who is actively seeking out the app to do something like this is more likely to check, but if it was a default functionality from Apple, many users would just ignore it and delete everything, even if it's something they'd want to keep. Apple's ethos of how they view users is also not predisposed to this.
It's also notable that many things get left behind even after unintsalling apps in Windows. Sometimes the manifest just doesn't encompass everything an app will spit out during its existence on your device.
Most Mac apps don’t have an uninstaller (or installer) you’re meant to just toss the app in the trash. The problem is this leaves in place your preferences files, any “application support” files it may have downloaded, maybe a cache, etc
That said, I’ve been migrating the same Library folder from Mac to Mac since around 2003 and have never used an app cleaner. It really isn’t an issue 99% of the time.
I can imagine a very edge use case for an app cleaner, but for most purposes - 99% of users - there's really no reason for it. Macs don't have a Registry. If you remove the application itself, all of its ancillary files in Application Support and elsewhere will just... not do anything. And they won't interfere. They won't interact in any way with anything else on your computer. And in most cases, they're tiny files. There's functionally no reason to care that they're still around.
Sometimes there's random startup files that clutter up the startup menu
UTM. The best free VM software that works on all Macs, M1/M2 included. Can even virtualise MacOS instances relatively easily.
I'll have to play around with this for Linux.
Runs like an absolute dream on an M1 - provided you use an ARM64 image. X86 performance is shit.
These are the Mac-exclusive apps I use regularly on my MacBook Pro 14" CotEditor Amazing open source text editor just for Mac BetterSnapTool for snapping windows (old school I know) Image2icon is useful for making my dock icons consistent TopNotch because the notch is annoying TG Pro because Macs get hot Keka because sometimes you run across a RAR or 7z file
These are just Mac apps, but I also use a bunch of cross-platform apps
CotEditor looks kind of like Notepad++ which I love for when I just want a simple text editor that is a little more functional that the default text editor without launching visual studio code. Thanks for the recommendations.
Suspicious Package: A great utility for inspecting the payload of a package, including scripts.
Macs Fan Control: Both a temp monitor and fan control. Especially useful on older Intel Macs.
Amphetamine: Good GUI for caffeinate.
coconutbattery: Monitor your battery health, cycles, etc.
The Unarchiver: Think 7-Zip for macOS.
Jamf Now: Stripped down version of Jamf, MDM for Apple devices. You get 3 devices for free. This is more if you want to dabble in endpoint management/light automation. You will get sales emails.
Maccy - clipboard app Alfred - launcher Iterm2 - terminal Firefox BettertouchTool - touchpad gestures Hidden bar - hide menu bar icons Itsycal - menubar calendar IINA - gui for mpv video player Keka - extract archives Espanso - text replacement
Hidden bar looks awesome to clean up the menu bar.
Check out LinearMouse. Can map buttons and is simple and minimal.
Microsoft Remote Desktop
Keka for RAR
I'll keep keka in mind for rar files.
BetterTouchTool (which isn't free but is worth every penny) lets you do everything rectangle does. Also lets you configure your mouse buttons to do whatever you want. Also infinite custom hot keys and shortcuts.
Also Raycast as a replacement for Spotlight.
Raycast has replaced BetterTouchTool for me. I own a license for BTT, have it installed, but it's never running anymore.
My MBP is largely a glorified SSH client. So, my must-haves are:
- homebrew
- Chrome and Firefox
- iterm2
- oh-my-zsh w/ Powerlevel10k
- Amethyst
I'm going to try out Kitty soon to replace iterm2.
App Cleaner (app uninstaller), Wipr (ad blocker), IINA (video player), Subtler (converts mkv to QuickTime readable files), Keka (unarchiver), and LinearMouse (no mouse acceleration and separate scroll directions).
Definitely check out the Contexts app.
It replaces some of the core window management features and can be configured to make Mac window management a bit more like what you're used to on Windows/Linux.
Can be used separate from or in conjunction with other snap-to apps. Instead of dragging your windows to the side to snap it there, you can simply flick it there on the trackpad.