about 80% of what i call a personality comes from compulsively mirroring my media consumption choices.
at home:
- "fuck me", in the style of Bunk Moreland in the "fuck" investigation scene, specifically quiet the fuck he uses when McNulty hands him the needlenose pliers with the bullet in them. it's a very, "i give up, i might cry" sort of sound.
- "good lord" sorta like Jeremy Iron's character says in die hard 3 when he's pretending to be a somewhat effete and physically unimposing dutch investor, but maybe dialed back 40%.
i worked for a long time in a public facing, public servant role for smaller communities and conditioned myself to not talk like i did in my 20s. even when i do slip one out, it's usually muttered and disguised in some kind of vague exhaling mouth noise.