How many layers deep in StackOverflow has she dived if she’s now resorting to reading the FAQ? Dayum. Shit’s rough, yo.
one should not chase the electric dream
This community is for sharing original content related to computers, content, surrealism and wizardry.
Now that you're a surrealist, become a Techno-Mage:
Oh, by her time, stackoverflow is just an AI prompt. All the good documentation has gone the way of the samizdat.
That’s implying there was good docs to start with. Who has time to write those??
the techno-mages of course
The techno-mages that spent their lives in exile, running from the mega corps—and which FISH is the last of, and she’s their last hope, last student… did I get that right?
Tough spot to be in. Being a mage or a mage’s apprentice is not an easy life.
Not that dramatic. FISH is only the last Techno-Mage of the Open clan. There are a bunch of other mages roaming around. See the Techno-Mage #1 issue :)
Right, cool. Been with you since the beginning, it’s been a minute since I read that. Thanks for the refresher.
Happy hacking.
Spirit of the Machine bless you, hacker.
This is truly a bizarre universe; people read FAQs??
it bleeds through the cracks into our realm
FISH is a realm-hopper???
you mean swimmer? yes.
cute style reminds me of the blue and yellow ena character people put in a lot of electronic music youtube compilations
I don't know what that means, do you have an example?
Ah, so chain smoking is a quality of all divine beings?
I think it's all the one and the same Fossangel.
Like a mural viewed through a kaleidoscope, we are all aspects of one.
Just bits in the wind in the eyes of the Spirit of the Machine.
Shit, angel.
I thought that was four Muses.
Shit, Rose Thorne. How do we not have UNIX MUSES yet?!