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You seem to be focused on the wrong thing. Mis-clicking is an issue in Pixel Dungeon on mobile, period. Simply because a simple tap or click can have drastic consequences. The issue of pinch zooming being registered as a click is most likely just due to not getting both fingers on the screen at a close enough time for it to register as a pinch zoom or something along those lines. It's not super common, but it happens sometimes. This chance circumstance would increase if I have to zoom in and out more often to try to reduce mis-clicks. However, I only mentioned this as an aside to another comment and is not really a part of the main issue at hand, so I don't know why you're so focused on it.
I made this thread to just simply reach out and talk to other people about this issue. I am interested to know if this issue is more common than it seems simply because no one really called much attention to it yet, or something like that. I just wanted to have a discussion on the subject. Maybe someone else has another idea to help mitigate the issue that is much simpler. Perhaps it could lead to a dev of one of the versions would see the discussion and a suggestion and think it's a good and simple enough idea to implement, or maybe someone else attempting to implement the feature. That would be fantastic. Or just maybe I might find the time to try to implement it myself.
Ultimately, I think it is useful to open a conversation about it, because nothing will happen without it. It's also nice to just vent about the issue and would be reassuring to hear when other people also encounter this and are frustrated by it.
Now, on a separate note. I would like you to understand that your comments, while I assume are well intended, still come off as both condescending and dismissive of these struggles I am expressing frustration over. That's just not a nice thing to be on the receiving end of and I'm assuming that was not your intent, so I think it's important to communicate.