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Pixel Dungeon
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You can use warrior strategy to cheese a win.
Play until you get a good enough armor from the ghost. For example +1 scale.
You would need 2 scrolls of upgrade to get it to +3 which lowers strength requirement to 14.
Then use a exotic strength potion on the armor to lower the requirement to 12 strength.
You should be able to wear it after find one more strength potion in the prison, so use all your resources to survive until you find it. (Health pots, ankhs, scrolls, ...)
After you get 12 strength you now have a +3 scale in prison and are effectively unkillable. Just avoid zaps from DM-100s.
Use stylus to get good glyph on armor and get the talent that allows you to protect the glyph using you seal. Just remove the seal before upgrading the armor then put it back on.
Keep dumping every scroll of upgrade into the armor and augment for defense. Go gladiator and use slam for big damage.
With this build you will take zero damage from everything except later magic damage enemies so just avoid them.
This becomes even easier if you get like a +3 plate from ghost.
Edit: you can even do this with a +0 mail or scale. Leather is also doable but harder. If you get +2 leather from ghost you will be strong in prison so try to find a scale or plate armor to carry you through the rest of the game.
Example gladiator build.