submitted 2 months ago by lautan@lemmy.ca to c/technology@lemmy.world

It's true not many people need work, so the lack of open roles isn't critical to the economy. But not everyone is happy at their job.

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[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 64 points 2 months ago

Oh man am I feeling this right now. My CEO has decided that managers with fewer than 5 staff are faking it and will no longer be managers going forward. This has led to a mad dash by directors around the company to make sure they all have 5 reports. People have suddenly been put under managers that have nothing to do with their work, just to make the numbers all come out right. And here’s me, a senior manager with 4 reports. My annual review rating was in the top 2% of the company, but I was basically told:

“We already have too many useless Directors already so there’s no growth path for you, sorry. In fact, not only is your promotion cancelled, we’re passing out your staff to others who need the numbers.”

I was literally rewarded for top performance with a demotion. A shift in the marketplace, you say? I think I felt that shift go straight up my ass. But thank god those who got theirs already are being protected! /s

[-] SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone 28 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Brutal. I'm so sorry to hear about that for you man. Loyalty is always a one-way street with these people. They demand loyalty but will turn you out to the street the second its profitable for them.

Like I've said before, Donald Trump is America's Id, he represents all the worst impulses that exists in the minds of the so-called "elite."

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 13 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yeah I’m being told that I’m getting fucked, and it comes with the reminder that I need to deal with it in a mature way and take one for the team (“your reaction will be closely watched”) or it will be remembered in my next review. LOL. You have to be loyal even while you’re getting betrayed.

[-] Ageroth@reddthat.com 18 points 2 months ago

Sounds like it's time to take those skills to another party

[-] Mac@mander.xyz 11 points 2 months ago

next review? bro, leave.

[-] eran_morad@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

Bruh. You’re a hair’s breadth from being fired. Polish up your shit and find a new job asap.

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago
this post was submitted on 01 May 2024
171 points (91.7% liked)


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