ROM scene. Where? (lemmings.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Benjamin@lemmings.world to c/android@lemmy.world

It's been a while since I was into unlocking and ROMing my devices, but I've got the itch again.

XDA used to be a good place, but... I hope I'm out of there loop or something, because it's almost a ghost town compared to years ago.

I've got us carrier unlocked devices; OnePlus N10 and N20, Moto G7Power.


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[-] cyrus@wetdry.world 1 points 1 month ago

@Benjamin account removal can be done on https://my.telegram.org if I recall right.

Also...someone OTHER THAN ME linked this? That's rare

Matrix is currently in a bit of a weird place as funding is low. Its alright, but dont expect Telegram-level UX. Element is also re-making their mobile apps as part of Element X.

[-] Benjamin@lemmings.world 1 points 1 month ago


Mastodon isn't Lemmy, is it? 🤦‍♂️

I found a link to a mastodon thread... And upon much closer inspection, I do believe that's you over there, too.

I'm apparently very ignorant on this. Lemmy... Mastodon... Matrix...

[-] cyrus@wetdry.world 1 points 1 month ago

@Benjamin they're all connected :)

I'm writing to you from mastodon (hence all my replies start by pinging you)

Lemmy does format some things in lemmy-specific ways, but other than that all our posts can be viewed anywhere, and I can slap any lemmy thread into my mastodon UI to reply to whoever I want

[-] Benjamin@lemmings.world 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Are you serious? 😳🤦‍♂️😓

I was on Mastodon originally, but the app I was beta testing was a Lemmy client, so I made a new account (my Mastodon creds didn't work)

Methinks I should find a new app. Arg.

[-] cyrus@wetdry.world 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


No I am not saying accounts are portable, but the content is. Your mastodon app has no idea how to handle Lemmy, and your Lemmy app has no idea how to handle Mastodon

BUT the servers that you're signing up to? They know how to share the content between eachother. That is because they all use the ActivityPub standard to exchange posts and account data.

[-] Benjamin@lemmings.world 1 points 1 month ago

So Lemmy and Mastodon connect to the same content, but different log in servers?

Do I need to do anything to see those other people?

Oh boy, I've got a lot to learn.

[-] cyrus@wetdry.world 1 points 1 month ago

@Benjamin its basically automatic e-mail in the sense that it doesn't matter what e-mail provider you're on but you can still contact each other across mail providers

Here you can substitute mail providers with social media platforms, and it happens ✨automagically✨, without anyone doing anything

To put this into perspective, I see hundreds of posts that aren't by people that signed up on wetdry.world on my home feed, and I can still interact with them, yet wetdry.world is my home.

Maybe the little explanation video on https://fediverse.info helps

[-] Benjamin@lemmings.world 1 points 1 month ago

Email. That helped immensely.

Gmail can mail Yahoo, but Yahoo can't directly see my Gmail account name, unless we directly interact first.

I think that sums it up.

So I can use either "CLIENT" to communicate across the Fediverse, but my credentials only work on the server I created them at.

I think I got it. I'm watch the link later👍

this post was submitted on 22 Apr 2024
50 points (91.7% liked)


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