Milky Way over a Turquoise Wonderland
A community dedicated to sharing high quality images of space and the cosmos
Include some context in the title (such as the name of the astronomical object or location where it was photographed)
Only images, pictures, collages, albums, and gifs are allowed. Please link images from high quality sources ([Imgur](imgur.com), [NASA](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html), [ESA](https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images), [Flickr](Flickr.com), [500px ](500px.com), etc.) Videos, interactive images/websites, memes, and articles are not allowed
Only submit images related to space. This may include pictures of space, artwork of space, photoshopped images of space, simulations, artist’s depictions, satellite images of Earth, or other related images
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I hope I get to go to a dark-sky area someday and see the sky. I know it won't look like this obviously but it'll be a lot cooler than what my light-polluted sky looks like
Yeah, it'll never be this dramatic, but you'll be astounded by how many stars, and how large they seem, when you get to a dark site. Even getting to a Bortle 5 location like I live in and letting your eyes properly adjust to night vision, the amount of stars is pretty spectacular. Not sure where you live, by check out a site like DarkSkyMap and you may be surprised to find some areas with less light pollution not too far from you.