Yup same here. I have an extensive ebook collection that I’ve been putting together for a while. It helps that I only get them while they’re on sale so it’s actually not too bad (I tell myself)! But yes there are a ton of them.
I have a whole list of books waiting for price drops as well that get added to the pile. My general rule is that if it’s <$5 and it’s on the list I get it.
Yup same here. I have an extensive ebook collection that I’ve been putting together for a while. It helps that I only get them while they’re on sale so it’s actually not too bad (I tell myself)! But yes there are a ton of them.
I have a whole list of books waiting for price drops as well that get added to the pile. My general rule is that if it’s <$5 and it’s on the list I get it.