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Pixel Dungeon
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It’s hard to anticipate the movements of enemies to use seeds effectively. I always throw a seed where I believe the enemy will go next. Throwing a seed at the tile where the enemy is now will not activate the effect and will allow them to safely move on. If you throw it where they will move to next turn, when they move into that tile, the seed effect will activate.
My favorite offensive uses for seeds are poison (sorrowmoss) and fire (firebloom) to directly attack an enemy, or use stormvine seed to cause vertigo on a tile right next to chasms where they can fall thought. Using stormvine to kill a tough enemy in one hit is always satisfying.
Thanks! I'll try to improve my seed placement. Using stormvine next to a chasm is a great idea.
Once I was in a room and a couple of enemies were coming from a corridor. I planted a firebloom right next to the corridor door, but the baddies just moved diagonally into the room!
Also, is it correct to say that flying enemies (such as fly swarms) don't activate the plants?
A lot of times the monsters will follow your movements, even if there is a quicker path to attack you!
Also. Yes flying enemies won’t trigger the plants by their movement. However, if they are over a plant, you can throw an item onto that tile to activate the plant. For example, if the bat is over a tile with a firebloom plant and you through some armor at the bat, the armor will not harm the bat but fall onto the plant, activating the firebloom seed and catching the bat on fire. I don’t do this often, but it can be useful.
I do this often enough to burn barricaded doors, but there's a bunch of things that can work like fadeleaf a fish away, odds are they'll teleport somewhere without water and die.
Thanks again. I need to start thinking more creatively! It didn't occur to me to throw things at plants to activate them.
(I've only been down to level ~18, but...) A wand of regrowth can help you collect a ton of seeds to make into potions+etc w/ alchemy