submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by nudnyekscentryk@szmer.info to c/askandroid

I've been using gboard for a very long time and I use it in four total languages. English is my second language, and my second keyboard setting, one which I use very rarely because I usually type in English using my native Polish setting (with multilanguage input enabled).

Since last week gboard has started automatically switching to English input between apps. This happens for all apps and seemingly on random. I would use the PL+EN keyboard in Sync, then switch to Signal and it would be English (making me unable to type in Polish). I then change it manually to PL+EN, go to Messenger and it would be English again.

Any thoughts? This is especially weird because I have yet another two language settings which it never goes to, so it's not like it cycles through, but rather switches precisely to English.

And before anyone says there are alternative keyboards: yes, there are, but none of them allows swipe typing, mixed multilanguage input and Chinese zhuyin at the same time :/

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[-] Blaze@lemmy.zip 1 points 3 months ago

Thought it might be a Pixel update or something. Sorry I can't help more

this post was submitted on 15 Feb 2024
7 points (100.0% liked)

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