submitted 10 months ago by zephyr@lemmy.world to c/android

Don't get me wrong. Apple removing audio jack was the biggest facepalm in smartphone history. And you can thank it for not being able to make an upgrade without sacrificing audio jack (and SD card too :/). But USB-C is getting standardized everywhere now (laptops, smartphones, etc.). What makes USB-C earphones not worth the switch?

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[-] macrocarpa@lemmy.world 55 points 10 months ago

The devices that you describe are incompatible with a standard that has been mature for 50 years.

The 3.5mm jack is everywhere, it is the standard. USB C is incredibly recent.

Put it this way, if you were to walk into a store and pick up any given electronic product with audio output, would you expect it to have an audio jack, or a USB C connector?

In your drawer full of random electric cables, how many have 3.5mm plugs in them vs usb a, micro, mini, or some propriety plug? And how many could you plug into a device and just...work?

So why do you accept devices that don't have this standard?? It is beyond me.

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 20 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The 3.5mm jack is everywhere, it is the standard.

Just got a 1981 Sony EQ off eBay, made in Japan, all that! How the hell would I ever adapt USB-C?! I've got fittings in the drawer for all things 1/8", didn't even research what I needed to get this thing integrated with my stereo. Also, it has another gold standard, the 3/4" jack! I can cobble something together for free. Oh! I can also roll my own 1/8" jacks and wiring, certainly can't "create" a USB-C connector.

OP is stuck thinking digital applications. 1/8" is perfect for analog use cases. USB-C is excellent for charging and data transfer. Very different use cases.

(Disclaimer: I'm no sort of audiophile. Just and old guy with vintage gear, going with what works.)

this post was submitted on 23 Jul 2023
137 points (87.4% liked)


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