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Pixel Dungeon
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Thanks for the decent reply. I just got done with a Monk run using +0 Cloth Armor and +6 Studded Gloves and it wasn't too bad, just felt like I was relying on wands and rings a bit too much. My big issue with Monk seems to be not being able to uncover the "unique" play style. Everything I've read so far just looks like some variation of Mage or Freerunner or Gladiator. Maybe that's just what she is? A little bit of everything? And I'm still looking for the "ultimate synergy" you can find with other classes.
Yeah, the class isn't really for me either. I don't like the "use all your charges then meditate repeatedly" gameplay, I find it slow and a bit boring. It works though.
I've had a lot more fun with champion personally. I've tried to find a style of monk gameplay that isn't "use wands and mobility" but nothing has clicked for me yet.