When the homie asks why you'd rather play Pathfinder than 5e
Humor, jokes, memes about TTRPGs
Has anyone played Middle Earth Roleplay before? Ancient RPG from the 90s (I think). The insane level of complexity in that game was what made it sooo fun.
I'd never even heard of that one :o
It is oooold. Uses a d100 system. fooking glorious.
I'm immediately interested because all games that use d100 system are instantly superior to d20 games
you may enjoy eclipse phase. lefty (anarchist-flavored iirc) transhumanist sci-fi with a 2d10 percentile die system (not d100 but i thought it was when i started writing this and it's too late to go back now)
...i keep hoping that someday we'll see a FASERIP revival, but i recognise that's a fool's dream...