Earlier today, I identified the root cause of an issue causing annoying 502 errors intermittently. If you've ever had an action infinitely load until you refreshed the page, that is this issue. I deployed a fix, and am slowly scaling it down to stress test it. If you encounter an infinite loading occurrence or an HTTP 502 error please let me know!
UPDATE: Stress testing complete. Theoretically we should be equipped to handle another 5k users without any intervention from me
yeah, all images federated or uploaded in that time span are lost. Weird how it works but actually this server caches all images from others
That's really weird doesn't the server automatically re-fetch the images and thumbnails from the other instances when the cached ones are gone?
you'd think so, right? Lemmy has a lot of quirks
Yeah and taking a quick look at the GitHub repository there is a lot of space for improvement