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Pixel Dungeon
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I've been playing this game for so many years, it took me a while to win my first game, but after that the wins started trickling in, I mean, it's still hard, but start having a better sense of what to do to have a decent run.
Stuff like using doors or tall grass to make sure you hit an enemy, funneling then through narrow corridors, using pile of bones to know of an equipment is cursed or not. With time all these things add up and you notice your doing them automatically.
Keep at it, you'll eventually get that win, mage is probably the best one to get that first win
Yeah things like that have certainly been helping me out. I've never heard of the pile of bones trick to see if something's cursed, how does that work?
It could be different now but for some time I used to throw an unidentified weapon or armor into the pile of bones, then pick up the pile of bones. If the weapon was cursed a specter would come out, if it wasn't then nothing would come out, I think even the equipment would get the blue background meaning it was "clean"
But I don't play as often as before now so that could have changed
Interesting, I'll try that out next time I come across one.