Inside North Korea: “We are stuck, waiting to die”
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The food and medical supplies don't go to the ordinary people. Assassinating political leaders only fuels their followers.
What do you think would work? I think at least some of the food would go to ordinary people, even if a lot of it would be creamed of by those in power. China and Russia used to supply them with it years ago.I don't know what the solution is, but letting millions starve to death surely is not the right way either.
There's nothing that can be done without risking an all-out war. North Korea's military isn't a threat, their soldiers are weak, and their technology is ancient.
It's China that's a threat. They have been itching for war for the past few decades yet haven't had good enough of a clause to do so yet.
North Korea is pretty much a vassal or a landing ground for China at this point. North Korea obviously doesn't want this, nor can they begin communicating and making amends with South Korea because that'd disrupt their power over the citizens. Currently, South Korea and North Korea are in communication again, thanks to both third parties of China and US suddenly becoming unstable (Trump and Ping).
I didn't know that about China, thank you for educating me. I knew China wants Taiwan back, but was not aware about their interest in North Korea beyond it being a neighbour.It seems obvious to me now you said it. Do you have any recommendations about further reading about the subject?