My point being, go far enough back, and you WILL have found a people or tribe that got wiped out so another group could claim their territory. Where do you (arbitrarily) draw the line?

Unless you're asserting that none of your ancestors have ever claimed land at the expense of somebody else, you're a colonist.

[-] 2 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

I agree, we all need to move back to Africa. All 8 billion of us.

No, apparently Biden is worse because he didn't do this his 1st day in office. Some people are just never happy.

In case you're unaware, people do not get the same results from searching. Just because you're not seeing something doesn't mean the same applies to billions of other people.

[-] 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

it can only detect objects through barriers from a few centimeters away, assuaging concerns that a thief might try to use it to look through someone's bags or packages.

If somebody's waving a wand over your body a few cm from your boobs, I advise you to step away.

Oh wow, they picked up Hades. I could see some potential here, if they're getting high quality content instead of the MTX trash.

if they’re using way above their share of bandwidth

Based on the numbers reported in the article, that's a significant chunk of their customers. The ISP was probably reluctant to upgrade their infra like they should have.

Getting to space. Fuck Musk, but SpaceX is doing great work.

First, read Boatmurdered. Then realise it's worth whatever the cost is

but not that confident.

That's how you bust myths!

MLMYM can't login? (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

Trying to login with the MLMYM interface just goes to a blank screen for me. Is anybody else having issues with it? Is there anything I can do to get it working?

Edit: I have no idea why a simple help post is getting this many upvotes / downvotes

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