FATE is on sale until November 28th
A community for ARPG/HacknSlash games.
Season 1: TBA
Crucible: April 7, 2023 (now live!)
Patch: 0.9.1 Rising Flames (now live!)
Lemmy.ml's rules apply.
You are free to criticize and voice your opinion, as long as you respect others. Don't start flamewars, don't be a dick.
No one likes spam.
For now Lemmy is most likely to small to garner enough activity for niche communities like this. I'll mirror content I like from similar subreddits in order to fill this place with some content. Feel free to submit your own links or posts! Once this site has grown it might be more feasible to create communities specific to certain titles.
Community icon created by Freepik - Flaticon
This game was a family staple during my childhood.