One of the biggest food holidays is just around the corner. Let's chat about it!
What does your spread include? Any cool family favorite dishes? Any interesting spins on an old favorite you want to share? Trying anything new this time? I especially love hearing about the quirks of each families traditional spread.
For me, something interesting I am going to include on the table this year is Charleston Red Rice. I was looking for an interesting and unexpected side that didn't stray too far from the flavor profile of a traditional meal. Also, wanted to include a grain based dish as my family never does lol. And it's a dish I know for certain a few people attending will love. Also, a funny thing about my thanksgiving history...I didn't have green bean casserole until I was in my mid-20s. No one in my family liked it, so it was never included lol.
So what's going on with you and your Thanksgiving feast this year?
In our country we respect halloween. And then steamroll over thanksgiving because theres already christmas stuff up