submitted 10 months ago by TheFrirish@jlai.lu to c/android

I guess this has been said before but I want to reiterate it here.

The 3 button navigation is simpler, much faster than gestures and less prone to input errors than gessure navigation.

It's easier to use the phone one handed when using 3 buttons especially considering the size of phones nowadays.

The only real downside to the 3 button bar is the space it takes away from the screen. I can't deny you get better immersion due increased screen size and gestures being intuitive (for me at least.

With that said I understand that depending on the brand the feel of gestures and their quality can vary (like between a pixel phone and a xiaomi device), but in terms of efficiency (and maybe slightly improved battery life due to less animations) and simplicity the 3 button navigation is still miles ahead.

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[-] pacjo@lemmy.world 12 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

That's one hell of a controversial opinion.

I personally prefer gestures. I find them quicker (you don't have to move your fingers as much to do anything, especially back gesture) and more intuitive (like swiping on the navigation pill or whatever it's called to quickly switch apps, much better than double clicking recents button). Gestures also integrate nicely with the rest of os (like swiping from backspace to erase whole words in gboard).

One thing I hate and I can't understand how that's not fixed in stock AOSP is opening left side menus (those hamburger ones) with gestures enabled. Half of the time instead of opening the menu it will just go back, even if sensitivity on left edge is set to minimum.

This is something that custom roms address nicely as most of the time setting sensitivity to minimum would actually disable gestures in this area (take note Google). If this is something that's bugging anyone, you can disable gestures on left edge over adb (without root) with: adb shell settings put secure back_gesture_inset_scale_left 0 or with: su -c "settings put secure back_gesture_inset_scale_left 0" if you have root access (for more info look here).

[-] ChristianWS@lemmy.eco.br 5 points 10 months ago

Issue is that developers are honestly, kinda of dumb in regards to the menu gesture, and AFAIK there wasn't an actual "canonical" guideline for that gesture in the first place.

Discord offers the best implemention in my opinion, as it can function on the middle of the screen and not on the edge, so it doesn't interfere with system gestures.

[-] shortwavesurfer@monero.town 4 points 10 months ago

Pro tip. Press left edge for 0.5 seconds then pull it out. Works every time

this post was submitted on 15 Jul 2023
9 points (53.5% liked)


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