this post was submitted on 10 Jul 2023
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Re-buffering happens if you replay a video after it buffers completely till the end and if you click on the timeline far enough back during buffering.

I've looked through many threads but didn't find any fix/workaround for this. I saw some users saying changing values for media.cache_readahead_limit and media.cache_resume_threshold to 99999 fixed it but that didn't help and actually caused Firefox to stop buffering midway through videos.

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[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Same. I even came across this comment after doing that. Did everything it said (browser.cache.offline.enable perf wasn't there for some reason, so I made one) and still no change. Changed the values of perfs mentioned in my post again as well, combined with that comment's proposed changes but still nothing.

And yeah, it's 1440p but I've tested this on 1080p videos as well. Length of 1440p video is 2-3 mins and the 1080p one is just over 11 mins.

Honestly, I give up at this point. Btw, thank you so much for trying to help.