I sure as hell don't.
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
This is not how math work. If you add 10% to wage for everyone, then nothing will change(with few exceptions that will become more affordable, mostly some sorts of taxes). But if you add 100$ to wage for everyone, then rich become sloghtly less rich, poor will become relatively richer and middle class will be slightly richer.
The biggest problem is not inflation itself, but that capitalists when increase price of product will not increase wage of worker. If there is deflation, then capitalist will cut wages, but keep prices high
Regulations for everything would not allow the greedy pigs to make their own rules. What you're asking for is that they gain some sort of heart and start valuing something other than their products. That won't happen. I really think regulation is a better plan because it's creating laws that cap profits. Then we can hit em with their own medicine and up the minimum wage too. Maybe even put a maximum wage out there.
Maybe I've seen too much star trek and I'm believing that the socialist/communist utopia exists out there someday. Maybe I'm crazy. All I know for sure is I don't like the hand I was delt and it's way too hard to fold.
Reminds me Savateev's proposed education reform. Cap school directors' wage at something like 2x-3x of lowest of top-60%(below median) teachers' wages in conjunction with banning overtime more than 50%(hard cap work time at 150% of normal, currently over 200% is common practice which is really bad).