big problems with so called legal science
jurisprudence is a total joke its not a real science because it doesnt have a clear object of study i mean think about it law is like a living thing its always changing and evolving but legal scholars are stuck in the past theyre like dinosaurs trying to apply outdated rules to a world thats moved on without them and thats why law should be understood as a natural phenomenon like biology or something not some rigid system thats just a bunch of arbitrary rules
history books are heavy
the historical baggage of legal scholarship is a major problem because scholars are stuck in the past and they cant see the forest for the trees theyre always measuring new developments against outdated categories and that just leads to a distortion of the laws natural progression its like theyre trying to fit a square peg into a round hole and it just doesnt work and thats why i think jurists are worms who only live off decaying wood i mean thats harsh but its true
society whacked with a wet trout
and then theres the impact of jurisprudence on public understanding and engagement with the law okay so the academic study of law just alienates people from their rights and responsibilities its like law becomes this exclusive club that only a select few can join and thats not what its supposed to be about law is supposed to be a tool for justice and social order not some fancy game that only lawyers can play
a new way forward or perhaps diagonally
so how about a little equity based jurisprudence or as I like to call it billigkeitsjurisprudenz so its more about fairness and discretion over rigid adherence to established laws right so like judges could have more leeway in interpreting laws based on the specific circumstances of each case and that way law can actually be relevant and just again the way god intended
so lets make law more inclusive and responsive to change like jesus was what do you think

i believe 🙌